Registered patents
Hours of research per year
Delivering the impossible
HatchTech Group is an innovation business. Our work is not limited to one industry or sector; we look to offer sustainable, early-stage solutions to problems – wherever we find them.
From redefining hatching and chick transportation solutions to pioneering ‘no-kill’ egg production, vertical farming and energy storage solutions, our work has a common focus: to help customers follow a more productive, profitable path while safeguarding the welfare of animals, people and the planet.
Superior Chick Quality
HatchTech creates incubation technology which provides our customers with consistent superior chick quality and ensures effective customer service throughout its life cycle.
Superior Chick Transport
HatchTraveller creates optimal developmental conditions for day-old chicks during transport, ensuring their health and welfare and delivering superior long-term chick quality.
Vertical Farming
CultiPro offers a revolutionary method to grow and dry plants in a reliable, local and sustainable way by reducing the risks associated with growing plants in a conventional greenhouse.
In-Egg Gender Identification
Seleggt develops hormone based in-egg gender identification technology to create practice-ready solutions to avoid the culling of male day-old chicks.
NYtor is a knowledge-driven and reliable developer of innovative molecular diagnostic assays.
The respeggt label promises: “Free of Chick Culling”. Thanks to a complete verification of the supply chain, it is guaranteed that only products that meet the “Free of Chick Culling” requirement are allowed to receive the label.